
Returkartong is a member-based company, responsible for all collected paper packaging within the producer responsibility and the maximising of its recycling in Sweden. The company is one of the five owners of the Swedish waste collection and recycling management organisation Förpacknings- och Tidningsinsamlingen, FTI, with a 20% stake. Returkartong members represent the entire paper packaging value chain.


TMR offer companies the ability to fulfil their producer responsibility for packaging.

With a nationwide system for collection and recycling, and with simplified administration and great flexibility. TMR manages all administration connected to their clients’ producer responsibility, such as reporting to concerned authorities, consultation with municipalities etc. Last but not least, TMR continuously inform their clients about the development and possible changes within the area.


Sysav and it’s two subsidiaries are owned by 14 municipalities in southern Scania. Sysav encompass the management and treatment of household waste in the owner municipalities.

The Sysav Group also handles industrial and commercial waste, as well as combustible household waste. In addition, they finance and run projects with the aim of improving existing and developing new methods and technologies in the field of waste management.

Returpack-BURK Svenska AB

Returpack is a privately-owned company which aims to increase the recycling of metal cans and PET bottles in Sweden. This mission derives from the Swedish government, as well as from the owners of the company, who consist of representatives from its trading and brewery sectors company (Sveriges Bryggerier, Livsmedelshandlarna och Svensk Dagligvaruhandel).

95 percent of our volume is collected in food retail markets. We have approximately 14 000 customers of different types, from big supermarkets to small cafés, sports clubs, airports etc. Around 3 000 of these have their own Reverse Vending Machines. It´s voluntary and not obliged to take back containers, but as a Returpack customer, you will be compensated both for the deposit and the so-called handling fee for the return containers you send in.