Livsmedelsakademin, The Skåne Food Innovation Network

The Skåne Food Innovation Network (SFIN) is a gathering power for everyone who wants to develop Skåne into a food central for Europe. Our members and partners are companies, organizations, public authorities, universities and colleges that represent the entire chain from soil to sustenance.

The network was established in 1994 on the initiative of the business community. The background was Sweden’s approaching membership in the European Union and the increased international competition. We grew rapidly into a well functioning network with strong commitment from business, research and society.

Today SFIN works on a broad front to develop the Scanian food industry, among other things by raising the pace of innovation and processing proficiency in the business.

Contact information

Address:Anckargripsgatan 3, 211 19 Malmö, Sweden
Number:+46 727 41 58 55

Related categories

Clusters/industrial networks

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