We are excited to launch a new network for Packbridge community, the Collaborative Forum for Increased Material Recycling, brought to you in cooperation with IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Sysav. Following the successful development of partnerships formed through the “Kunskap i Rätt Förpackning” project, this spin-off network will focus on continuing the project’s core mission: boosting the knowledge and collaborations in the packaging value chain for increased material recycling both nationally and in the Nordic region.
We invite Packbridge members from the entire value chain (incl. material manufacturers and compounders, packaging converters, brand owners, retailers, collection, sorting and recycling companies, etc.) to bring your knowledge and curiosity to the forum and its four upcoming meetings. To the greatest possible extent, the meetings will be supplemented with study visits to increase the practical understanding of the processes in each stage.
Are you interested in joining the forum? please contact Olof Nyström, olof@packbridge.se, for more information.