Entries by Olof Nyström

The latest on nanotechnology at a conference in Portugal

For anyone interested in the connection between nanotechnology and IoT, here’s a date for your diary! The internet is growing apace as nanosensors and nanotechnology are increasingly connected to consumer devices for the collection, processing and exchange of data. INL in Braga, Mobile Heights and Material Business Center in Lund are organising a conference in […]

Det senaste om Nano på konferens i Portugal

För alla intresserade av kopplingen mellan nanoteknologi och IoT kommer här ett tips! Internet växer i takt som nanosensorer och nanoteknik i högre grad är anslutna till konsumentenheter för insamling, bearbetning och utbyte av data med slutanvändarna. INL i Braga, Mobile Heights och Material Business Center i Lund anordnar en konferens i Braga, Portugal. För […]

Packbridge helps startup companies find business opportunities in the packaging industry

Packbridge currently has over 200 member companies and is a non-profit organisation which is probably also the largest of its kind in Europe. Packbridge was founded in 2010 and has grown very quickly. Our base is located in Malmö, but we have activities throughout the Nordic region. Internationally we have many well-established partnerships, including a […]

Interested participants at the fempack kick-off in December

Media Evolution saw fempack launch with a kick-off in December. Around 30 participants had gathered to listen to three inspirational speakers discuss and exchange their experiences. During the autumn Packbridge launched a network aimed at professional women who work with packaging. In the same Packbridge spirit as our other events, the aim is to increase […]

A warm welcome to AVENTICS!

The Packbridge team known of no better way to start the new year than by welcoming a new member to our network! We are happy to present AVENTICS as a new member! With over 150 years’ experience and approximately 2 000 employees in more than 90 countries around the world, AVENTICS is one of the […]

Vi hälsar AVENTICS välkommen!

För oss i Packbridge finns inget bättre sätt att starta det nya året på än att hälsa en ny medlem välkommen in i vårt nätverk! Vi är glada att kunna presentera AVENTICS som ny medlem! Med över 150 års erfarenhet och cirka 2 000 medarbetare i över 90 länder runt om i världen över så […]

Fantastisk uppslutning under fempack december Kick-off

Det var fullsatt på läktarna på Media Evolution när fempack lanserades med en kick-off i december. Ett trettiotal hade samlats för att lyssna till tre inspirerande talare, diskutera och utbyta erfarenheter. Under hösten har Packbridge lanserat ett nätverk som riktar sig mot professionella kvinnor som jobbar med förpackningar. Stöpt i samma Packbridgeanda som våra andra […]